Sales channel analysis and alignment to business opportunities
Ambition 24hours
Outsourced marketing department
AVE Multiview
Security equipment manufacturer
Outsourced marketing department
BAF Graphics
Exhibition and retail graphics
Marketing planning, direct mail, PR
Barclays Commercial Services
Financial services
PR editorial and promotions
Barclays Mercantile
Financial services
PR editorial and promotions
British Importers Association
Trade association
Marketing planning and direct marketing
Bird & Bird
Technology lawyers
PR: press and industry relations
Brett Building Materials
Building materials
PR editorial and promotions
Castleham Industries
Government sponsored workshop
PR editorial and promotions
Checkpoint Meto
Security and print systems
PR editorial and promotions, sales and marketing consultancy
Accountancy professional body
Marketing planning
Corporate Group
Security installers
Literature and web design and development. Direct marketing
Department of Employment
Government/ public sector
Literature development
Global Knowledge
IT network training
Marketing plan development.
Greene King
Brewery/ drinks
PR: editorial and promotions
Impact Image Video Productions
New media/ video
Marketing planning
Integrated Design
PR and sales training
Inventa Partners
Technology transfer
Press relations
Laing Homes
Property/ construction/ building
PR: editorial and promotions
Lodge Service
PR: editorial and digital content
Mann & Co
Property/ estate agents
PR: editorial and promotions
McQuillan Young
Corporate Communications
Marketing planning
New media group
Marketing training workshop
Environment Engineers
Marketing and PR
Leadership and team development
Marketing and PR
Meuc: Major Energy Users Council
Trade association
Literature design and copywriting
Rheometric Scientific
Scientific instrumentation/ fire testing
PR: editorial and promotions. Newsletter development
Secured By Design
Security/ Crime Prevention/ Police/ public sector
Outsourced marketing department
IT application development
Marketing: sales process research and planning
HR: Business partnership development
National press relations
IT/ fiber optics
Marketing planning
Sokkia Surveying Systems
Surveying instrumentation
PR: editorial and promotions
Stoneham Baxter Design & Print
Literature copywriting
Tara Signs
Sign makers
PR: editorial and promotions
PR: editorial and promotions
Tooting Town Centre
Public sector
Marketing planning
Transport Design & Development
Transport Consultancy
PR: editorial and promotions
Filtration inventors
National press relations
Intertek Metoc